Tanmay Jain


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Data Science & Machine Learning Enthusiast

Welcome to my portfolio! I’m a passionate data science and machine learning enthusiast with a knack for leveraging technology to tackle real-world problems. With a background in computer science engineering and a fervent curiosity for exploring the realms of AI, I’ve immersed myself in projects ranging from computer vision to natural language processing. Through collaborative endeavors and hands-on experiences, I’ve honed my skills in coding, problem-solving, and effective communication. Explore with me as I navigate the dynamic field of data science, sharing my projects, insights, and a sprinkle of creativity along the way.

Work Experience

Computer Vision Intern

OneDose, Jaipur (January 2024 – April 2024)

Freelance Data Science Consultant

Weed.com, California (March 2023 – November 2023)

Collaborator & Maintainer

Open Interpreter (September 2023 – November 2023)

Software Lead

JU Makerspace, JECRC University


Shakespearean Text Generator

Fine-tuning Meta’s new Llama2 for Personal Data (Work in Progress)


Technical Skills